ANNOUNCING!! a new addition...

Number 8 will be joining the crew come the first week of next April. Due April 10th. Our 20 year anniversary is April 2nd so hey maybe an anniversary baby! It could happen. 


Currently getting things together for starting up the new school year. This one will be more intense as my almost 4 year old is starting preschool and isn't exactly fully keen on the idea, or toilet training either ugh. But the newly one year old I think may toilet train this fall. She is very interested in it. Girls are so much easier to convince. 

Our trip to Silver Dollar city was a hit. We are doing quite a few weekends there this year as well as a full week at Christmas. I can't say enough how great the park is compared to any other I have ever tried to enjoy. They are much cleaner, nicer and more accommodating. The kids have a fabulous time. We've been taking a tag along child too and that's so helpful... If you have more short children than adults and teens I promise its worth it to grab an extra teen or so and bring them with LOL

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And my little ladies

All my little ladies have juts had or are about to have a birthday! The boys will all be getting photos this week too but I gotta take it in stages when I have no assistance. I am not doing all 7 in one morning lol


Check out Facebook for more!

And checkout the guest blog post I made over at Arkansas Children's Therapy group's page blog. it covers some ideas on making Ipad time not be a mind numbing adventure.

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And another turns ONE

Seems all the babies ever are one this month! It was a busy season.... Here is another little cutie.


Check out a few more on FACEBOOK. Don't miss your time for summer photos. There are some weekend slots left but extremely few week day.

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